Development back on track on former RSA land

Earthworks have started again at the site adjacent to the Hibiscus Coast Community RSA in Whangaparāoa.

Melia Development (sole director Yuntao Cai of Auckland) bought the 1.826ha piece of land at 20 Melia Place and 43A Vipond Road from the RSA and obtained resource consent through the Covid-19 recovery fast-tracked process to build 59 townhouses there.

The company did some initial work on the site, before putting it up for sale at the end of 2022.

No sale took place, and recently earthworks began again. Precise Homes (also with sole director Yuntao Cai) is looking after the marketing of the properties to be built there. The company’s business development and marketing manager, Jackie Li, says they are optimistic about the market and currently looking for opportunities for more community involvement.